No. 0. Quote: Executive ability is prominent in your make-up. No. 1. Quote: Many pages make a thick book, except for pocket Bibles which are on very very thin paper. No. 2. Quote: Perfect day for scrubbing the floor and other exciting things. No. 3. Quote: All the troubles you have will pass away very quickly. No. 4. Quote: The difference between a Miracle and a Fact is exactly the difference between a mermaid and a seal. -- Mark Twain No. 5. Quote: Q: How many IBM types does it take to change a light bulb? A: Fifteen. One to do it, and fourteen to write document number GC7500439-0001, Multitasking Incandescent Source System Facility, of which 10% of the pages state only "This page intentionally left blank", and 20% of the definitions are of the form "A:..... consists of sequences of non-blank characters separated by blanks". No. 6. Quote: To be or not to be. -- Shakespeare To do is to be. -- Nietzsche To be is to do. -- Sartre Do be do be do. -- Sinatra No. 7. Quote: Avoid gunfire in the bathroom tonight. No. 8. Quote: Beware of low-flying butterflies. No. 9. Quote: You have an unusual understanding of the problems of human relationships. No. 10. Quote: Don't plan any hasty moves. You'll be evicted soon anyway. No. 11. Quote: Q: How many gradual (sorry, that's supposed to be "graduate") students does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: "I'm afraid we don't know, but make my stipend tax-free, give my advisor a $30,000 grant of the taxpayer's money, and I'm sure he can tell me how to do the gruntwork for him so he can take the credit for answering this incredibly vital question." No. 12. Quote: You definitely intend to start living sometime soon. No. 13. Quote: You will be traveling and coming into a fortune. No. 14. Quote: Fine day to work off excess energy. Steal something heavy. No. 15. Quote: You can create your own opportunities this week. Blackmail a senior executive. No. 16. Quote: FORTUNE PROVIDES QUESTIONS FOR THE GREAT ANSWERS: #31 A: Chicken Teriyaki. Q: What is the name of the world's oldest kamikaze pilot? No. 17. Quote: You have a truly strong individuality. No. 18. Quote: Your life would be very empty if you had nothing to regret. No. 19. Quote: You are so boring that when I see you my feet go to sleep. No. 20. Quote: All things that are, are with more spirit chased than enjoyed. -- Shakespeare, "Merchant of Venice" No. 21. Quote: Look afar and see the end from the beginning. No. 22. Quote: You have a deep appreciation of the arts and music. No. 23. Quote: Condense soup, not books! No. 24. Quote: What good is an obscenity trial except to popularize literature? -- Nero Wolfe, "The League of Frightened Men"