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33 - 被割韭菜的美股股民:“别买奇怪的中国公司股票!” - china-stocks.txt



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Top | Category: News | Comments (0) | Tags: 割韭菜, 美股股民, 中国公司股票, Chinese Stocks, | 中文 | 855 Views, 15790 Search Bots | 1886 Characters

34 - 网易回应暴力裁员事件 - netease-reply.txt



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Top | Category: News | Comments (0) | Tags: 控诉, 网易暴力, 裁员, Netease, 163, | 中文 | 846 Views, 16390 Search Bots | 2563 Characters

35 - 员工控诉网易暴力裁员将患病员工赶出公司 - netease.txt



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Top | Category: News | Comments (0) | Tags: 控诉, 网易暴力, 裁员, Netease, 163, | 中文 | 1286 Views, 16710 Search Bots | 10490 Characters

36 - 刘强东辞去全国政协委员 - liuqiangdong.txt



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Top | Category: News | Comments (0) | Tags: 刘强东, 全国政协委员, Qiangdong Liu, | 中文 | 890 Views, 16085 Search Bots | 905 Characters

37 - 亚马逊雨林是“地球之肺”,但是如果它烧没了,我们并不会因为缺氧而憋死 - amazon-fire.txt

今天看到Peter Brannen写了一个很好的问题。虽然我们喜欢说亚马逊雨林是“地球之肺”,亚马逊的火灾也确实是生态和人道的双重灾难,但是如果它烧没了,我们并不会因为缺氧而憋死。


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Top | Category: News | Comments (0) | Tags: 亚马逊, 大火, Amazon Rainforest fire, | 中文 | 939 Views, 17180 Search Bots | 1390 Characters

38 - 百度作为原本的老牌王国,天下宗主,曾经的老大,早就没人再尊重了 - baidu.txt



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Top | Category: News | Comments (0) | Tags: 百度, Baidu, | 中文 | 1413 Views, 18004 Search Bots | 1775 Characters

39 - 华为,如果这次上市的话会发生什么呢? - huawei-ipo.txt



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Top | Category: News | Comments (0) | Tags: 华为, 上市, Huawei, IPO, | 中文 | 1078 Views, 19137 Search Bots | 433 Characters

40 - With fraud and cyber crime on the rise, how can you protect yourself? - with-fraud-and-cyber-crime-how-can-you-protect-yourself.txt

It has recently been revealed that credit card and bank account fraud have risen by 40% in the past year, affecting around 5 million people in the UK. So what can you do to protect yourself and ensure that you don't fall victim too?

Arm yourself against fraud

Use a credit card to shop online - they offer purchase protection when you spend between £100 and £30,000.

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Top | Category: News | Comments (0) | Tags: 用欺诈, 网络犯罪, credit fraud, cyber crime, | English | 227 Views, 21621 Search Bots | 151 Words

41 - Why a credit score is important - why-credit-score-is-so-important.txt

There’s a lot of talk around credit scores and why we should all work to get the best score possible. That's why we're going back to basics and explain precisely why it's worth regularly spending time on your credit score.

It paints a picture of your financial health: the three main credit reference agencies (CRAs) are fed information about your financial past, including how well you manage your money. The higher your score, the healthier you are financially.

It demonstrates how responsible you are with credit: people with higher credit scores typically have a history of sensible credit usage and paying bills on time.
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Top | Category: News | Comments (0) | Tags: 信用分数, 信用报告, credit score, credit report, | English | 270 Views, 17939 Search Bots | 181 Words

42 - See what impacts your credit score - credit-report-key-factors.txt

With no universal credit score, and each credit reference agency weighting their scores differently, it can be hard to know what factors affect your credit score. Head over to your Report to see what could be impacting yours.

Key factors that could affect your score

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Top | Category: News | Comments (0) | Tags: 信用报告, 信用分数, 影响因子, credit report, credit score, key factors, | English | 315 Views, 17953 Search Bots | 200 Words

43 - “硬盘女神”苍井空正式告别:不会再有新作品 - sola-aoi.txt

曾经的日本成人女星苍井空近日在个人Twitter上宣布“引退”,今后不会再拍摄成人作品,一代“硬盘女神”正式告别。媒体报道称,事实上苍井空自2011年之后就没有再拍摄成人作品,已经算是名义上的引退,而此次算是正式宣布。 近些年,苍井空一直在积极的向演艺圈转型,在《神探伽利略》等人气日剧当中都有出色表演,获得更多粉丝的肯定和青睐。
Top | Category: News | Comments (0) | Tags: 苍井空, 女优, Sola Aoi, | 中文 | 1368 Views, 51593 Search Bots | 139 Characters

44 - 2016 年有哪些快速衰落的公司,有哪些快速崛起的公司? - sucessful.txt



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Top | Category: News | Comments (0) | Tags: 成功的公司, 2016, sucessful companies, | 中文 | 1253 Views, 26151 Search Bots | 1746 Characters

45 - Bitcoin Miners are Dead - bitcoin-miners-are-gone.txt



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Top | Category: News | Comments (0) | Tags: 挖矿人, 比特币, 矿机, Bitcoin Miners, Bitcoin Machines, | 中文 | 532 Views, 26546 Search Bots | 4916 Characters

46 - 从G点到支点 - alipay-g-social-failure.txt



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Top | Category: News | Comments (0) | Tags: 支付宝, 社交圈子, 校园日记, 白领日记, Alipay, Social Network, | 中文 | 473 Views, 26127 Search Bots | 1439 Characters

47 - 保罗沃克或“回归”《速激》系列 采用亲兄弟替身+特效 - The-Fast-and-the-Furious.txt




Top | Category: News | Comments (0) | Tags: 保罗沃克, The Fast and the Furious, | 中文 | 476 Views, 30050 Search Bots | 264 Characters

48 - Shape the debate - Shape-the-debate.txt

Following the momentous decision for Britain to leave the EU, British politics is in flux.

A new Prime Minister is now in place but the nature of her approach to leaving the EU is not yet known, Labour is now engaged in a leadership election, and the smaller parties are preparing their own responses to the referendum result.

The months ahead will shape the future of our country and our future relationship with Europe.
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Top | Category: News | Comments (0) | Tags: 政治, Shape Debate, Labour, Conservative, Other parties, | English | 632 Views, 24533 Search Bots | 392 Words

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