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136 - Daily Interview Problem: Merge Overlapping Intervals - merge-overlapping-intervals.txt

Hi, here's your problem today. This problem was recently asked by Microsoft:

You are given an array of intervals - that is, an array of tuples (start, end). The array may not be sorted, and could contain overlapping intervals. Return another array where the overlapping intervals are merged.

For example:
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Top | Category: Computing | Comments (0) | Tags: 每日算法题, 算法, 数据结构, 面试题, Daily Interview Problem, Data Structures and Algorithms, Computer Programming, Python, | English | 238 Views, 17523 Search Bots | 76 Words

137 - Daily Interview Problem: Largest Product of 3 Elements I - largest-product-of-3-elements.txt

Hi, here's your problem today. This problem was recently asked by Microsoft:

By the way, check out our NEW project AlgoPro ( for over 60+ video coding sessions with ex-Google/ex-Facebook engineers.

You are given an array of integers. Return the largest product that can be made by multiplying any 3 integers in the array.
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Top | Category: Computing | Comments (0) | Tags: 每日算法题, 算法, 数据结构, 面试题, Daily Interview Problem, Data Structures and Algorithms, Computer Programming, Python, | English | 235 Views, 16525 Search Bots | 95 Words

138 - Daily Interview Problem: Spiral Traversal of Grid - spiral-traversal-of-grid.txt

Hi, here's your problem today. This problem was recently asked by Amazon:

By the way, check out our NEW project AlgoPro ( for over 60+ video coding sessions with ex-Google/ex-Facebook engineers.

You are given a 2D array of integers. Print out the clockwise spiral traversal of the matrix.
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Top | Category: Computing | Comments (0) | Tags: 每日算法题, 算法, 数据结构, 面试题, Daily Interview Problem, Data Structures and Algorithms, Computer Programming, Python, | English | 300 Views, 16651 Search Bots | 90 Words

139 - Daily Interview Problem: Find the k-th Largest Element in a List - find-the-k-th-largest-element-in-a-list.txt

Hi, here's your problem today. This problem was recently asked by Facebook:

By the way, check out our NEW project AlgoPro ( for over 60+ video coding sessions with ex-Google/ex-Facebook engineers.

Given a list, find the k-th largest element in the list.
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Top | Category: Computing | Comments (0) | Tags: 每日算法题, 算法, 数据结构, 面试题, Daily Interview Problem, Data Structures and Algorithms, Computer Programming, Python, | English | 232 Views, 27995 Search Bots | 66 Words

140 - 读博人员的家属 - phd.txt



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Top | Category: Life | Comments (0) | Tags: 博士, 家属, PhD, | 中文 | 1934 Views, 17214 Search Bots | 1209 Characters

141 - 里皮和他的十一个废物点心 - chinese-football.txt



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Top | Category: Others | Comments (0) | Tags: 中国足球, 里皮, Chinese Football, | 中文 | 538 Views, 16804 Search Bots | 1124 Characters

142 - 一个刚毕业的计算机相关专业学生,简历上有哪些经历会加分? - what-is-a-good-resume-for-programmer.txt



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Top | Category: Computing | Comments (0) | Tags: 计算机, 简历, Computer Science, Good Resume, Programming, | 中文 | 349 Views, 18272 Search Bots | 650 Characters

143 - 刘强东辞去全国政协委员 - liuqiangdong.txt



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Top | Category: News | Comments (0) | Tags: 刘强东, 全国政协委员, Qiangdong Liu, | 中文 | 890 Views, 16175 Search Bots | 905 Characters

144 - [Daily Problem] Move Zeros - moving-zeros.txt

Hi, here's your problem today. This problem was recently asked by Facebook:

By the way, check out our NEW project AlgoPro ( for over 60+ video coding sessions with ex-Google/ex-Facebook engineers.

Given an array nums, write a function to move all 0's to the end of it while maintaining the relative order of the non-zero elements.
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Top | Category: Computing | Comments (0) | Tags: 每日算法题, 算法, 数据结构, 面试题, Daily Interview Problem, Data Structures and Algorithms, Computer Programming, Python, | English | 818 Views, 15228 Search Bots | 103 Words

145 - [Daily Problem] Remove k-th Last Element From Linked List - Remove-k-th-Last-Element-From-Linked-List.txt

Hi, here's your problem today. This problem was recently asked by AirBNB:

You are given a singly linked list and an integer k. Return the linked list, removing the k-th last element from the list.

Try to do it in a single pass and using constant space.
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Top | Category: Computing | Comments (0) | Tags: 每日算法题, 算法, 数据结构, 面试题, Daily Interview Problem, Data Structures and Algorithms, Computer Programming, Python, | English | 232 Views, 26760 Search Bots | 120 Words

146 - [Daily Problem] Course Prerequisites - course.txt

Hi, here's your problem today. This problem was recently asked by Google:

By the way, check out our NEW project AlgoPro ( for over 60+ video coding sessions with ex-Google/ex-Facebook engineers.

You are given a hash table where the key is a course code, and the value is a list of all the course codes that are prerequisites for the key. Return a valid ordering in which we can complete the courses. If no such ordering exists, return NULL.
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Top | Category: Computing | Comments (0) | Tags: 每日算法题, 算法, 数据结构, 面试题, Daily Interview Problem, Data Structures and Algorithms, Computer Programming, Python, | English | 1478 Views, 15609 Search Bots | 159 Words

147 - [Daily Problem] Witness of The Tall People - witness.txt

Hi, here's your problem today. This problem was recently asked by Google:

There are n people lined up, and each have a height represented as an integer. A murder has happened right in front of them, and only people who are taller than everyone in front of them are able to see what has happened. How many witnesses are there?

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Top | Category: Computing | Comments (1) | Tags: 每日算法题, 算法, 数据结构, 面试题, Daily Interview Problem, Data Structures and Algorithms, Computer Programming, Python, | English | 1955 Views, 20894 Search Bots | 94 Words

148 - [Daily Problem] Remove Consecutive Nodes that Sum to 0 - Remove-Consecutive-Nodes-that-Sum-to-0.txt

Hi, here's your problem today. This problem was recently asked by Uber:

Given a linked list of integers, remove all consecutive nodes that sum up to 0.

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Top | Category: Computing | Comments (0) | Tags: 每日算法题, 算法, 数据结构, 面试题, Daily Interview Problem, Data Structures and Algorithms, Computer Programming, Python, | English | 220 Views, 20830 Search Bots | 146 Words

149 - 怎么暗示和勾引男生? - how-to-seduce-boys.txt



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Top | Category: Love and Romantics | Comments (0) | Tags: 暗示, 勾引, 男生, Zhihu, | 中文 | 2679 Views, 22205 Search Bots | 1123 Characters

150 - Daily Interview Puzzle: Falling Dominoes - falling-dominoes.txt

Hi, here's your problem today. This problem was recently asked by Twitter:

Given a string with the initial condition of dominoes, where:

. represents that the domino is standing still
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Top | Category: Computing | Comments (0) | Tags: 每日算法题, 算法, 数据结构, 面试题, Daily Interview Problem, Data Structures and Algorithms, Computer Programming, | English | 489 Views, 15633 Search Bots | 117 Words

Category: All | Others(52) | Computing(163) | Life(35) | Success(18) | Funny Stuffs(24) | Memory(4) | To Share(60) | Love and Romantics(14) | News(84) | Fortune Quotes(92) | Q & A(26) | Health(6) | Pictures(5) | Stories(6) | Videos(13) | Cryptocurrency-Blockchain(1) |
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