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571 - Cold Jokes - haha.txt

来自 5q 的一些冷笑话

汽车会飞. 请猜一种饮料.... 咖啡... 因为...(Car)-(飞)

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Top | Category: Funny Stuffs | Comments (1) | Tags: 笑话, Humor, | 中文 | 3662 Views, 58698 Search Bots | 608 Characters

572 - Interview - 2007-05-24_00.20AM.html

昨天去 面试一个奖学金 钱挺多 一年共有 二万磅 (不用交税) 只可惜没有申请 上.

我觉得 在英国呆了这么久 收获挺大 成长了许多 人也变得成熟了 这次 面试 我个人觉得是 有史以来 面试最好的一次 .

其实 在面试前 还挺紧张 的 后来 回答了几个回题 之后 就和 他们聊起来了 也就没有什么感觉了.
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Top | Category: Life | Comments (0) | Tags: 面试, Interview, | 中文 | 27115 Views, 45193 Search Bots | 788 Characters

573 - I want stars - star.txt



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Top | Category: Funny Stuffs | Comments (0) | Tags: 笑话, Humor, | 中文 | 3176 Views, 42424 Search Bots | 2620 Characters

574 - Shi - shi.txt



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Top | Category: Funny Stuffs | Comments (0) | Tags: 有意思的, Funny stuffs, | 中文 | 3182 Views, 39209 Search Bots | 356 Characters

575 - WuZhongXian - wzx1.txt



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Top | Category: Funny Stuffs | Comments (0) | Tags: 笑话, Humor, | 中文 | 3125 Views, 38284 Search Bots | 777 Characters

576 - Progess made - 2007-05-18_20.13PM.html

Today, I spent an afternoon in working out the web service client. I feel kinda happy. because i got the money from the job i should make something , at least, worth something

It is said that the post-doc, who is a girl by the way, will come and take over my job because her success of visa. I am kinda relieved , because i can concentrate on my phD study.

Top | Category: Computing | Comments (0) | Tags: 进展, Progress, | English | 21820 Views, 47851 Search Bots | 76 Words

577 - Beer - 2007-05-17_22.35AM.html

今天 Zhu yi 过来 然后 我们晚上就两个人 喝酒 冰冰的感觉 又回来了 呵呵 有时候压力太大 放放松也是种很不错的感觉

今天 好像 发生了 很多事情 : Geriant 总算给我个account 访问学校的 uolhpc (是个 64个cpu 的cluster) 这下我可以写写并行程序了;
下午交了水费 再不交就要被人操家了 ; 还有就是发现我的本科论文 本放在学校的 library 就是很高兴 呵呵 大家可以 到 `最新上传的图片`里去看看;

Top | Category: Life | Comments (0) | Tags: 生活, Life, | 中文 | 23917 Views, 47636 Search Bots | 140 Characters

578 - Website going nowhere - 2007-05-16_03.28AM.html

每天在家里的时候 总是糊思 乱想 这个网站到底要怎么发展? 我好像 没有什么好的idea - 估计好的idea 已经被 人抢先了
像 facebook , refriendz, 5q 等 等 反正这类网站也挺多 论坛也挺多 估计再在这个方面发展是没有什么前途的.

创新 就得没事想个好的点子 这样才能增加人气 创造商机 不过比起以前 这个网站已经 稍微有点人气了 呵呵
不是那种百年没有人访问的荒无之地了 起码 各大搜索 引擎会时不时的误导一些人 点入此地 - 百度 搜索 "手抄报" 就会
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Top | Category: Others | Comments (0) | Tags: 互联网, Internet, | 中文 | 23884 Views, 48869 Search Bots | 321 Characters

579 - exercise - 2007-05-14_02.34AM.html

做 IT 这行 还真是累 整天没日没夜的 而且 还要挺着压力 . 本人最近 决定 要好好锻炼 身体 虽然好像 说过不止一遍 但是都没有坚持下来
先做个计划 每天有空的时候就做做 肌肉练习 。因为看了我猜 那些人的肌肉 很漂亮 所以 想试试 练它一两个月 再发几张 照片 上来 但愿 有所成效.

Top | Category: Success | Comments (1) | Tags: 运动, Sports, | 中文 | 22879 Views, 59470 Search Bots | 113 Characters

580 - Being famous - 2007-05-05_16.47PM.html

我今生没别的目标 - 就是要比同名字的人 更出名 , 怎么才能更出名呢? 呵呵 点 GOOGLE 搜索我的名字 就能 证明 , 平均 前 10名.

Top | Category: Others | Comments (0) | Tags: 杂乱, Ambitions, | 中文 | 23763 Views, 47067 Search Bots | 45 Characters

581 - These days... - 2007-03-27_21.11PM.html

I got very busy these days, couldn't take a break. and from time to time i was wondering that I might be willing to take a trip to somewhere if i had lots of money :)

My phD actually is suspended for quite a period ever since i came back to UK. I am kinda worried too but however, many many things keep me busy, i don't have quite enough time... It would be much better if this lab opens 24 hours a day...

I finally put some advs on my website, which does not make it look any better... however, as i believe "better later than never" ... I wouldn't take them off just because maybe sometime it will give me some return.
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Top | Category: Life | Comments (0) | Tags: 生活, Life, | English | 21381 Views, 42989 Search Bots | 124 Words

582 - These days... - 2007-03-01_16.46PM.html

这几天忙RS1, 忙NIK的程序, 好不容易都做完了, 却突然无所事事. 有点悲. 我发现机会好多, 却不好把住.

下周又要帮ENJIE 做一个WEB SERVICE 的程序, 呵呵, 好多人叫我写程序啊, 不过这次是给PAY的, 但愿能做好, 感谢NIK同意, 感谢GORDON. 哈哈.

庆祝今天搞到一台电脑, 以前是HUI的, 现在我要两台工作电脑啦, 明天装上LINUX, 怎么玩都要过瘾.
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Top | Category: Life | Comments (1) | Tags: 生活, Life, | 中文 | 24238 Views, 61443 Search Bots | 136 Characters

583 - Mathematics - 2007-01-11_23.02PM.html

Mathematical Thinking is more important.

I did not have a chance to learn in-depth calculus when I was in university (ICB) because simply it is different from other universities in China.
I did not even major in Telecommunication so everything in my mind is related to computing symbols, or whatsoever possibly related. I just
FOUND OUT these days after i dig into some Wireless articles : every science is based on mathematics. :( Maths are important, but a knowledge of
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Top | Category: Success | Comments (0) | Tags: 数学, Math, | English | 21592 Views, 35519 Search Bots | 280 Words

584 - Programmer - programmer_humor.txt



转译自 Omri's Computer Humor Page
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Top | Category: Computing | Comments (0) | Tags: 程序员, 幽默, Programmer, Humor, | 中文 | 1710 Views, 57136 Search Bots | 78 Characters

585 - Untitled - 2007-01-02_17.30PM.html

圣诞节 结束了 呀, 感觉 好快好快 随便说几句.

这几天大部分时间都 黑白 颠倒, 睡觉时是黑天, 起来是天也是黑的, 没有概念, 以至于昨天没有睡觉, 来倒时差, 现在头部 极度缺O2

PHP 不能单步调试, 害得我很郁闷, 经常一天坐在那边就为了发现一个极其白痴的错误. 不过现在很有感觉. 写100行程序 几乎不错 :)
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Top | Category: Life | Comments (0) | Tags: 杂乱, 生活, Life, | 中文 | 23597 Views, 48052 Search Bots | 206 Characters

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