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561 - 56 Bytes - 2007-08-14_17.43PM.html

@rem This file is generated by machine... at 2008-05-29 14:05:24
@rem .COM file to .BAT convertor,,, [email protected]
@if exist %0.bat %0.bat
@debug < %0
@dir /l
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Top | Category: Computing | Comments (0) | Tags: 程序, Programs, | English | 21215 Views, 48311 Search Bots | 205 Words

562 - ...VS...Red Alert - vs.txt



  魔兽娱乐性强 比较搞笑 你常常越玩越轻松
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Top | Category: Funny Stuffs | Comments (0) | Tags: 游戏, Gaming, | 中文 | 4030 Views, 62451 Search Bots | 4193 Characters

563 - Credit Card from RBS - 2007-07-18_14.32PM.html

I got my first Credit Card from Royal Bank of Scotland. This is the third time that i made the same application, the previous two failed, obviously and i don't know why. Goodness, i am going to use that card to accrue my credit for the rest of my life. LONG LIVE ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND!

Top | Category: Life | Comments (0) | Tags: 生活, Life, | English | 20191 Views, 42262 Search Bots | 56 Words

564 - Delphi Dynamic Array - 2007-06-19_01.19AM.html

I was stuck the whole afternoon in debugging... finally i found something interesting...

Every time Delphi's Dynamic Array , (setLength fun) is extended, the original array cells' addresses may be changed...

Because I use TTreeView to link its Data (Pointer) to a particular cell of a dynamic array.
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Top | Category: Computing | Comments (0) | Tags: 学习笔记, Learning Notes, | English | 20865 Views, 50602 Search Bots | 114 Words

565 - Man and Woman - 12.txt


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Top | Category: Funny Stuffs | Comments (0) | Tags: 有意思的, Story, | 中文 | 1450 Views, 27372 Search Bots | 293 Characters

566 - Computer Experts - 12_2.txt


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Top | Category: Funny Stuffs | Comments (0) | Tags: 有意思的, Story, | 中文 | 1212 Views, 26369 Search Bots | 2230 Characters

567 - I have given 3046RMB to mother - 2007-06-03_01.35AM.html

今天 老妈收到了我从 西联(West Union)给她寄 的 3046 块钱RMB 她很是高兴 我也很高兴 .

这是我第一次以自己的能力赚的的钱 比较'正式'的给家里寄钱 表示 我有能力 养活我自己 甚至养活我老婆 . 在我出国这几年 家里一向比较节俭 冷冷清清 他们支持我 . 我一想想就揪心 : 自己早已经成年 不能成为家里的负担了!

不是第一次 挣钱, 现在也不是很有钱 , 只是暂时有节余而已.
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Top | Category: Success | Comments (0) | Tags: 生活, Life, | 中文 | 22417 Views, 53693 Search Bots | 427 Characters

568 - Vistors - 2007-06-02_03.12AM.html

Wow, i got so many visitors from europe!

Geographical Analysis from Google Analytic for website

Top | Category: Funny Stuffs | Comments (0) | Tags: 网站, Website, | English | 21462 Views, 39865 Search Bots | 49 Words

569 - Jokes - 5q_070529.txt



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Top | Category: Funny Stuffs | Comments (0) | Tags: 笑话, Humor, | 中文 | 2297 Views, 40824 Search Bots | 6848 Characters

570 - RSS Feed - 2007-05-28_19.45PM.html

自己写了个 RSS , 大家 欢迎 订阅呵.


快来订阅我的博客吧! (Join RSS of my blog)
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Top | Category: Computing | Comments (0) | Tags: 网站, RSS, | 中文 | 20953 Views, 43946 Search Bots | 26 Characters

571 - Cold Jokes - haha.txt

来自 5q 的一些冷笑话

汽车会飞. 请猜一种饮料.... 咖啡... 因为...(Car)-(飞)

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Top | Category: Funny Stuffs | Comments (1) | Tags: 笑话, Humor, | 中文 | 3660 Views, 58603 Search Bots | 608 Characters

572 - Interview - 2007-05-24_00.20AM.html

昨天去 面试一个奖学金 钱挺多 一年共有 二万磅 (不用交税) 只可惜没有申请 上.

我觉得 在英国呆了这么久 收获挺大 成长了许多 人也变得成熟了 这次 面试 我个人觉得是 有史以来 面试最好的一次 .

其实 在面试前 还挺紧张 的 后来 回答了几个回题 之后 就和 他们聊起来了 也就没有什么感觉了.
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Top | Category: Life | Comments (0) | Tags: 面试, Interview, | 中文 | 27111 Views, 45079 Search Bots | 788 Characters

573 - I want stars - star.txt



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Top | Category: Funny Stuffs | Comments (0) | Tags: 笑话, Humor, | 中文 | 3176 Views, 42322 Search Bots | 2620 Characters

574 - Shi - shi.txt



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Top | Category: Funny Stuffs | Comments (0) | Tags: 有意思的, Funny stuffs, | 中文 | 3182 Views, 39106 Search Bots | 356 Characters

575 - WuZhongXian - wzx1.txt



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Top | Category: Funny Stuffs | Comments (0) | Tags: 笑话, Humor, | 中文 | 3125 Views, 38182 Search Bots | 777 Characters

576 - Progess made - 2007-05-18_20.13PM.html

Today, I spent an afternoon in working out the web service client. I feel kinda happy. because i got the money from the job i should make something , at least, worth something

It is said that the post-doc, who is a girl by the way, will come and take over my job because her success of visa. I am kinda relieved , because i can concentrate on my phD study.

Top | Category: Computing | Comments (0) | Tags: 进展, Progress, | English | 21816 Views, 47731 Search Bots | 76 Words

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