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Tags: 名人名言, Quotes, Saying, Fortune, | English | Home Page | Category: Fortune Quotes | 520 Views, 25004 Search Bots | 593 Words

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No. 0. Quote:
Small things make base men proud.
-- William Shakespeare, "Henry VI"

No. 1. Quote:
You work very hard. Don't try to think as well.

No. 2. Quote:
Awash with unfocused desire, Everett twisted the lobe of his one remaining
ear and felt the presence of somebody else behind him, which caused terror
to push through his nervous system like a flash flood roaring down the
mid-fork of the Feather River before the completion of the Oroville Dam
in 1959.
-- Grand Panjandrum's Special Award, 1984 Bulwer-Lytton
bad fiction contest.

No. 3. Quote:
Everything will be just tickety-boo today.

No. 4. Quote:
You have an ability to sense and know higher truth.

No. 5. Quote:
Communicate! It can't make things any worse.

No. 6. Quote:
Today's weirdness is tomorrow's reason why.
-- Hunter S. Thompson

No. 7. Quote:
You too can wear a nose mitten.

No. 8. Quote:
Good news. Ten weeks from Friday will be a pretty good day.

No. 9. Quote:
Your business will go through a period of considerable expansion.

No. 10. Quote:
A light wife doth make a heavy husband.
-- Wm. Shakespeare, "The Merchant of Venice"

No. 11. Quote:
Q: How many members of the U.S.S. Enterprise does it take to change a
light bulb?
A: Seven. Scotty has to report to Captain Kirk that the light bulb in
the Engineering Section is getting dim, at which point Kirk will send
Bones to pronounce the bulb dead (although he'll immediately claim
that he's a doctor, not an electrician). Scotty, after checking
around, realizes that they have no more new light bulbs, and complains
that he "canna" see in the dark. Kirk will make an emergency stop at
the next uncharted planet, Alpha Regula IV, to procure a light bulb
from the natives, who, are friendly, but seem to be hiding something.
Kirk, Spock, Bones, Yeoman Rand and two red shirt security officers
beam down to the planet, where the two security officers are promply
killed by the natives, and the rest of the landing party is captured.
As something begins to develop between the Captain and Yeoman Rand,
Scotty, back in orbit, is attacked by a Klingon destroyer and must
warp out of orbit. Although badly outgunned, he cripples the Klingon
and races back to the planet in order to rescue Kirk et. al. who have
just saved the natives' from an awful fate and, as a reward, been
given all light bulbs they can carry. The new bulb is then inserted
and the Enterprise continues on its five year mission.

No. 12. Quote:
Don't look now, but the man in the moon is laughing at you.

No. 13. Quote:
Do what comes naturally. Seethe and fume and throw a tantrum.

No. 14. Quote:
Give your very best today. Heaven knows it's little enough.

No. 15. Quote:
Chicken Little was right.

No. 16. Quote:
Q: Why did the programmer call his mother long distance?
A: Because that was her name.

No. 17. Quote:
When one burns one's bridges, what a very nice fire it makes.
-- Dylan Thomas

No. 18. Quote:
What no spouse of a writer can ever understand is that a writer is working
when he's staring out the window.

No. 19. Quote:
You have a truly strong individuality.

No. 20. Quote:
Rebellion lay in his way, and he found it.
-- William Shakespeare, "Henry IV"

No. 21. Quote:
Executive ability is prominent in your make-up.

No. 22. Quote:
Someone is speaking well of you.

How unusual!

No. 23. Quote:
You will be the victim of a bizarre joke.

No. 24. Quote:
Tomorrow, this will be part of the unchangeable past but fortunately,
it can still be changed today.
Tags: 名人名言, Quotes, Saying, Fortune, | English | Home Page | Cateogry: Fortune Quotes | 520 Views, 25004 Search Bots | 593 Words Subscribe to Feed Burner

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