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Two tricks of making integer computation faster in Delphi.

1. Two integers a and b, to compute a mod b, where b is power of two (two, four, eight ... etc)...

in delphi, you write
result := a mod b;
in this case, to make it faster,
you can write
result := a and (b - 1); // b >= 2, and power of 2.

2. Two integers a (a >= 0) and b, to compute a div b, where b is power of two (two, four, eight ... etc)...

in delphi, you write
result := a div b;
in this case, to make it faster,
you can write
c := fun(b); // fun returns the integer(log2(b))
result := a shr c; // where b >= 2, and power of 2

// returns the left-most significant digit.
function fun(b: integer): integer; assembler; register;
bsr eax, eax

if (a < 0), it can be reworked as result = -((-a) shr c)
Tags: 计算机, Computing Tips, | English | Home Page | Cateogry: Computing | 960 Views, 27087 Search Bots | 142 Words Subscribe to Feed Burner

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