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Hello & Welcome to the Site!

The website was first created by myself, on approximately October, 2006. I program in PHP almost every applications in this website e.g. 'blog', 'skins', 'comments', 'life record'.

Most images (inc. background images) are chosen by my self, (i did not design them!). The layout originally comes from an static html template (CSS), however, i had it developed into a dynamic, flexible, more powerful content management framework.

Update: 24-Dec-2015: I re-design the site to make it mobile user friendly (Responsive Design CSS);

I have been with my wife for 5140 days (14 Years, 1 Month, 16 Hours, 7 Minutes, 4 Seconds Ago).

You can click here to send me a quick mail via the web application.

You can visit `Life Record` that contains some pictures and texts that you may be interested in.

There are some more links which you might be interested to see. So you may visit here because you might want to share your links too.

You can check out what i am doing recently here.

You can click here to see my blog.

You can click here to listen to some light music; you might want to open the page in the new window (press SHIFT when you click).

I am a programming fan, and you can download my programs written in php, javascript, delphi, c/c++ and etc on this site.

Great, the database is accessible, so you can click here to add comments. You can as well add comments with regard to different page if you like. And you can click here to view all the online browsers (approximately). You can also visit here to have a look at the figures. There are many other interesting pages avaliable too, which needs your a little patience to explore.

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Server: Linux + PHP 7.4.33

Comments (6)

    1.     - 2015-04-01 07:56:43 AM
 Lörs lörs  

    2.     - 2011-11-30 02:46:26 PM
 Nice to see your blog, I'm a student in UT, welcome to visit my blog
Best regards,

    3.     - 2009-02-11 01:36:14 AM



    4.     - 2006-11-02 02:41:09 PM


呵呵, 老兄, 一定早点回去

    5.     - 2006-09-21 02:37:23 PM


    6.     - 2006-09-18 03:34:02 PM




Page Edited: October 30 2020 14:21:10 | RSS Subscription
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