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Tags: 名人名言, Quotes, Saying, Fortune, | English | Home Page | Category: Fortune Quotes | 505 Views, 26114 Search Bots | 550 Words

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No. 0. Quote:
You will be given a post of trust and responsibility.

No. 1. Quote:
Day of inquiry. You will be subpoenaed.

No. 2. Quote:
You will outgrow your usefulness.

No. 3. Quote:
Tonight you will pay the wages of sin; Don't forget to leave a tip.

No. 4. Quote:
"Speak, thou vast and venerable head," muttered Ahab, "which, though
ungarnished with a beard, yet here and there lookest hoary with mosses; speak,
mighty head, and tell us the secret thing that is in thee. Of all divers,
thou has dived the deepest. That head upon which the upper sun now gleams has
moved amid the world's foundations. Where unrecorded names and navies rust,
and untold hopes and anchors rot; where in her murderous hold this frigate
earth is ballasted with bones of millions of the drowned; there, in that awful
water-land, there was thy most familiar home. Thou hast been where bell or
diver never went; has slept by many a sailer's side, where sleepless mothers
would give their lives to lay them down. Thou saw'st the locked lovers when
leaping from their flaming ship; heart to heart they sank beneath the exulting
wave; true to each other, when heaven seemed false to them. Thou saw'st the
murdered mate when tossed by pirates from the midnight deck; for hours he fell
into the deeper midnight of the insatiate maw; and his murderers still sailed
on unharmed -- while swift lightnings shivered the neighboring ship that would
have borne a righteous husband to outstretched, longing arms. O head! thou has
seen enough to split the planets and make an infidel of Abraham, and not one
syllable is thine!"
-- H. Melville, "Moby Dick"

No. 5. Quote:
Many changes of mind and mood; do not hesitate too long.

No. 6. Quote:
You will outgrow your usefulness.

No. 7. Quote:
You display the wonderful traits of charm and courtesy.

No. 8. Quote:
Be careful! Is it classified?

No. 9. Quote:
Q: Why don't lawyers go to the beach?
A: The cats keep trying to bury them.

No. 10. Quote:
A day for firm decisions!!!!! Or is it?

No. 11. Quote:
Abandon the search for Truth; settle for a good fantasy.

No. 12. Quote:
Q: What do you call a boomerang that doesn't come back?
A: A stick.

No. 13. Quote:
All generalizations are false, including this one.
-- Mark Twain

No. 14. Quote:
Beware of low-flying butterflies.

No. 15. Quote:
You never have to change anything you got up in the middle of the night
to write.
-- Saul Bellow

No. 16. Quote:
They spell it "da Vinci" and pronounce it "da Vinchy". Foreigners
always spell better than they pronounce.
-- Mark Twain

No. 17. Quote:
You will be awarded some great honor.

No. 18. Quote:
Q: Why don't lawyers go to the beach?
A: The cats keep trying to bury them.

No. 19. Quote:
An avocado-tone refrigerator would look good on your resume.

No. 20. Quote:
Q: What is the difference between Texas and yogurt?
A: Yogurt has culture.

No. 21. Quote:
You like to form new friendships and make new acquaintances.

No. 22. Quote:
The surest protection against temptation is cowardice.
-- Mark Twain

No. 23. Quote:
You feel a whole lot more like you do now than you did when you used to.

No. 24. Quote:
Be free and open and breezy! Enjoy! Things won't get any better so
get used to it.
Tags: 名人名言, Quotes, Saying, Fortune, | English | Home Page | Cateogry: Fortune Quotes | 505 Views, 26114 Search Bots | 550 Words Subscribe to Feed Burner

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