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151 - Windows 批处理编程 - 2008-12-19_02.11AM.html

Power of windows command shell

I managed to use just pure windows command shell scripting to process around 500M text data ....
pure means not external exe/com files needed,,, just windows built-in commands (e.g. for, call, if ... )
amazing,,, windows scripting (*.bat, *.cmd) can just do almost anything... it is as powerful as linux shell script...

Top | 类别: 计算机科学 | 评论 (0) | 标签: 计算机, Computing, | 英文 | 20985 次阅读, 46603 次搜索 | 303 个单词

152 - YES!! - 2008-12-10_19.20PM.html

y (Ctrl+C)

Top | 类别: 计算机科学 | 评论 (0) | 标签: 计算机, Computing, | 英文 | 24818 次阅读, 45232 次搜索 | 350 个单词

153 - Spectrum Master - 2008-12-10_13.59PM.html

Spectrum Master
I got to play around with this machine these days... Spectrum Master MS2721B, MS2723B, MS2724B....

Spectrum Master MS2721B, MS2723B, MS2724B


Top | 类别: 计算机科学 | 评论 (0) | 标签: 学习, Learning Notes, | 英文 | 23553 次阅读, 46934 次搜索 | 138 个单词

154 - U 盘病毒解决方案 - 2008-12-2_07.36AM.html

A startup script to enable autorun.inf virus protection
Some virus create autorun.inf file to enable automatic file execution when you browse the folder,, which is very annoying... you can create a folder with the same name and in this case the virus would have trouble to write to that file. "Autorun.inf" even can not be overwritten because it is a folder...
Put the script at the startup to make sure every drive has a hidden folder "autorun.inf"

@echo off

Top | 类别: 计算机科学 | 评论 (0) | 标签: 计算机, Computing Tips, | 英文 | 24383 次阅读, 46330 次搜索 | 245 个单词

155 - DELPHI 动态数组小结 - 2007-09-29_13.50PM.html

  动态数组每次setLength, 会把以前在内存的东东拷贝到新的位置 然后删掉以前的东东(所以效率很低),所以尽可能一次性分配足够大的内存
  动态数组是自动管理的, 当引用计数为0(可以赋为NIL时) 内存自动销毁 (不包括用new产生的和Object)

Top | 类别: 计算机科学 | 评论 (0) | 标签: 学习笔记, Learning Notes, | 中文 | 20508 次阅读, 44027 次搜索 | 117 个汉字

156 - XP的批处理文件 - mvjpg.bat.txt

I have come to a problem... i have a pictures folder which has lots of subdirs and
lots of irregular filenames such as "kdjfksjdf.jpg", "kdjflkajsdfasd.jpg"
usually i renamed them randomly to avoid the same filenames when i grabbed it from internet...
So i want to upload them to the website and i want them arranged in good order....


Top | 类别: 计算机科学 | 评论 (0) | 标签: 程序, Programming, | 英文 | 3639 次阅读, 37942 次搜索 | 280 个单词

157 - 56 Bytes - 2007-08-14_17.43PM.html

@rem This file is generated by machine... at 2008-05-29 14:05:24
@rem .COM file to .BAT convertor,,, [email protected]
@if exist %0.bat %0.bat
@debug < %0
@dir /l tv.com

Top | 类别: 计算机科学 | 评论 (0) | 标签: 程序, Programs, | 英文 | 21216 次阅读, 48383 次搜索 | 205 个单词

158 - Delphi 动态数组 - 2007-06-19_01.19AM.html

I was stuck the whole afternoon in debugging... finally i found something interesting...

Every time Delphi's Dynamic Array , (setLength fun) is extended, the original array cells' addresses may be changed...

Because I use TTreeView to link its Data (Pointer) to a particular cell of a dynamic array.

Top | 类别: 计算机科学 | 评论 (0) | 标签: 学习笔记, Learning Notes, | 英文 | 20865 次阅读, 50662 次搜索 | 114 个单词

159 - RSS 订阅 - 2007-05-28_19.45PM.html

自己写了个 RSS , 大家 欢迎 订阅呵.


快来订阅我的博客吧! (Join RSS of my blog)

Top | 类别: 计算机科学 | 评论 (0) | 标签: 网站, RSS, | 中文 | 20954 次阅读, 44036 次搜索 | 26 个汉字

160 - 程序调好了 - 2007-05-18_20.13PM.html

Today, I spent an afternoon in working out the web service client. I feel kinda happy. because i got the money from the job i should make something , at least, worth something

It is said that the post-doc, who is a girl by the way, will come and take over my job because her success of visa. I am kinda relieved , because i can concentrate on my phD study.

Top | 类别: 计算机科学 | 评论 (0) | 标签: 进展, Progress, | 英文 | 21820 次阅读, 47802 次搜索 | 76 个单词

161 - 程序员 - programmer_humor.txt



转译自 Omri's Computer Humor Page

Top | 类别: 计算机科学 | 评论 (0) | 标签: 程序员, 幽默, Programmer, Humor, | 中文 | 1710 次阅读, 57086 次搜索 | 78 个汉字

162 - MySql - mysqloptimize.txt


OS / libraries

Top | 类别: 计算机科学 | 评论 (0) | 标签: 数据库优化, Database, Optimisation, | 中文 | 2556 次阅读, 67601 次搜索 | 4189 个汉字

163 - Fibonacci 编码 - 2006-12-07_17.56PM.html

Fibonacci coding

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The text is just used to test my Blog and it is gonna be the first entry of the 'computing' category.

Top | 类别: 计算机科学 | 评论 (0) | 标签: 学习笔记, Learning notes, | 英文 | 21014 次阅读, 49144 次搜索 | 48 个单词

分类: 所有 | 乱七八糟(52) | 计算机科学(163) | 生活(35) | 成功(18) | 有意思(24) | 怀念(4) | 分享(60) | 情与爱(14) | 新闻资讯(84) | 名人名言(92) | 知识问答(26) | 健康(6) | 图片(5) | 故事(6) | 视频(13) | 虚拟货币-区块链(1) |
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