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121 - Offer negotiation doesn - day-7-week-coding-interview-email-course.txt

This is Day 7/7 of our 1-week coding interview email course.

You should absolutely negotiate your job offer.

Even if you're shy. Even if you only have one offer. Even if you think you were crazy lucky just to have gotten the offer in the first place. (That's the impostor syndrome talking!)

Top | 类别: 计算机科学 | 评论 (0) | 标签: 面试技术, 算法, 模式, Interview Course, Computing, Algorithm, Pattern, | 中文 | 286 次阅读, 19982 次搜索 | 0 个汉字

122 - Getting a LOT of interviews - day-6-week-coding-interview-email-course.txt

This is Day 6/7 of our 1-week coding interview email course.

The best practice for coding interviews is other coding interviews.

So if you're serious about getting a new job, don't put all your eggs in one basket. You should be trying to interview with as many companies as you can.

Top | 类别: 计算机科学 | 评论 (0) | 标签: 面试技术, 算法, 模式, Interview Course, Computing, Algorithm, Pattern, | 中文 | 295 次阅读, 20197 次搜索 | 0 个汉字

123 - This is hard for me too. - day-5-week-coding-interview-email-course.txt

This is Day 5/7 of our 1-week coding interview email course.

Here's one of the biggest drivers of impostor syndrome in tech: the "Whiz Kid."

You know the type. They've been coding since they were 12. They're crazy fast. They seem to pick up new things instantly, without even trying.

Top | 类别: 计算机科学 | 评论 (0) | 标签: 面试技术, 算法, 模式, Interview Course, Computing, Algorithm, Pattern, | 中文 | 303 次阅读, 19407 次搜索 | 0 个汉字

124 - Feeling down about your interviews/job search? - day-4-week-coding-interview-email-course.txt

This is Day 4/7 of our 1-week coding interview email course.

If you're one of those folks who struggles with confidence around your interview chops or engineering skills, I want to tell you something.

And this comes from working with thousands of engineers, so you can trust me when I say:

Top | 类别: 计算机科学 | 评论 (0) | 标签: 面试技术, 算法, 模式, Interview Course, Computing, Algorithm, Pattern, | 中文 | 285 次阅读, 19919 次搜索 | 0 个汉字

125 - Skip the readings, focus on problems. And use all the hints! - day-3-week-coding-interview-email-course.txt

This is Day 3/7 of our 1-week coding interview email course.

If our problems have felt over your head . . . you'll find this one especially helpful.

But first, really quick: have you looked into our full coding interview prep course yet? (The one that only costs money if it gets you hired.)

Top | 类别: 计算机科学 | 评论 (0) | 标签: 面试技术, 算法, 模式, Interview Course, Computing, Algorithm, Pattern, | 英文 | 307 次阅读, 17988 次搜索 | 472 个单词

126 - Patterns for breaking down questions you haven - day-2-week-coding-interview-email-course.txt

This is Day 2/7 of our 1-week coding interview email course.

Yesterday I told you about keeping an algorithmic patterns list as you run through practice coding interview questions.

And I promised to send over the patterns I've found to be most helpful.

Top | 类别: 计算机科学 | 评论 (0) | 标签: 面试技术, 算法, 模式, Interview Course, Computing, Algorithm, Pattern, | 英文 | 323 次阅读, 19268 次搜索 | 521 个单词

127 - A trick for getting good at coding interviews FASTER - day-1-week-coding-interview-email-course.txt

This is Day 1/7 of our 1-week coding interview email course.

I figured this out while coaching my dear friend Alice through her job search. That experience, by the way, inspired me to start Interview Cake!

Alice had fallen on hard times and was crashing on my couch. She needed a new job, and wanted to shoot for her first real software engineering position. But she had worries that she wasn't qualified. She wasn't a computer science major in college, and she was weak on data structures and algorithms.

Top | 类别: 计算机科学 | 评论 (0) | 标签: 面试技术, 算法, Interview Course, Computing, Algorithm, | 英文 | 314 次阅读, 19670 次搜索 | 535 个单词

128 - 批量删除新浪微博的方法 - delete-weibo.txt



Top | 类别: 计算机科学 | 评论 (0) | 标签: 新浪微博, 批量删除, Weibo, Batch Delete, | 中文 | 830 次阅读, 18812 次搜索 | 168 个汉字

129 - 干掉甲骨文的,不是神对手,而是猪自己 - oracle.txt




Top | 类别: 计算机科学 | 评论 (0) | 标签: 甲骨文, Oracle, | 中文 | 1466 次阅读, 19808 次搜索 | 1750 个汉字

130 - Linode Support Ticket 10029540 - Other - Important Notice Regarding Ubuntu 17.10 Image - linode-ubuntu17.10-man-in-the-middle-attack.txt

We recently identified an issue with our Ubuntu 17.10 image which resulted in Linodes being created with the same SSH host keys. As a result of this, it is possible that an attacker could launch a man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack on your SSH sessions.

Any Ubuntu 17.10 Linode which was created between January 11 and February 22 is affected (other versions of Ubuntu are not affected). In addition to Linodes that were deployed during this time frame, images and backups that were taken of an affected system would also continue to have this issue present.

We recommend that you regenerate new SSH host keys using the procedure below as soon as possible to avoid the risk of a MITM attack.

Top | 类别: 计算机科学 | 评论 (0) | 标签: 安全, 计算机攻击, 服务器, linux, man-in-the-middle-attack, security, linode, server, ubuntu, | 英文 | 343 次阅读, 22806 次搜索 | 300 个单词

131 - 怎么样使用搜索引擎友好的URL链接? - site-news-user-friendly-urls-in-htaccess.txt

弄了一晚上 终于把本站所有的链接改成 SEO友好的了。


原来就是比较恶心的 ?a=b&c=d&e=f 的形式。这种方式不会被搜索引擎认为是好的URL形式,参数关键字不会被采纳:如上面a, b, c 和 d 是都不会被索引的。别一坏处就是 URL变得过长,且不容易理解。


Top | 类别: 计算机科学 | 评论 (0) | 标签: SEO友好的链接设置, htaccess, mod_rewrite模块, APACHE2配置, user friendly URLs, mod_rewrite, apache2, htaccess, | 中文 | 465 次阅读, 26443 次搜索 | 251 个汉字

132 - 在DOS操作系统下怎么播放wav音乐文件? - play-wave-on-dos-os.txt

How to Play WAV music under DOS?

It is so cool! However, as DOS is single-tasking OS, you can't play that WAV file in the background.

Top | 类别: 计算机科学 | 评论 (0) | 标签: wav播放器, DOS音乐, 视频, play wave, DOS music, video, | 英文 | 460 次阅读, 30306 次搜索 | 53 个单词

133 - 在服务器上跑PHPUnit 单元测试 - phpunit-example.txt

I have built a video download tool and I have written quite a few unit tests using PHPUnit. It takes a while to run through all tests!
Run PHPUnit Tests on VPS Server
Top | 类别: 计算机科学 | 评论 (0) | 标签: PHPUnit, 单元测试, phpunit, examples of php unit tests, | 英文 | 705 次阅读, 25709 次搜索 | 71 个单词

134 - EPSON XP-322 打印机, 固件升级 - upgrade-epson-firmware.txt

闲着无聊 升级了一下打印机EPSON XP-322的固件 Fireware
升级打印机固件 Firmware
Top | 类别: 计算机科学 | 评论 (0) | 标签: EPSON 打印机, 固件升级, EPSON, firmware, XP-322, XP-323, XP-325, | 中文 | 621 次阅读, 33727 次搜索 | 22 个汉字

135 - CPU 利用率 - cpu-utilization-on-intel-xeon-e5-2680-v4.txt

Classic memory limited problem:
Top | 类别: 计算机科学 | 评论 (0) | 标签: CPU 利用率, Intel XEON, E5-2680-v4, | 英文 | 428 次阅读, 33934 次搜索 | 30 个单词

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