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209 - 信用分数的重要性 - why-credit-score-is-so-important.txt

There’s a lot of talk around credit scores and why we should all work to get the best score possible. That's why we're going back to basics and explain precisely why it's worth regularly spending time on your credit score.

It paints a picture of your financial health: the three main credit reference agencies (CRAs) are fed information about your financial past, including how well you manage your money. The higher your score, the healthier you are financially.

It demonstrates how responsible you are with credit: people with higher credit scores typically have a history of sensible credit usage and paying bills on time.

Top | 类别: 新闻资讯 | 评论 (0) | 标签: 信用分数, 信用报告, credit score, credit report, | 英文 | 270 次阅读, 17958 次搜索 | 181 个单词

210 - 影响你的信用分数的因素 - credit-report-key-factors.txt

With no universal credit score, and each credit reference agency weighting their scores differently, it can be hard to know what factors affect your credit score. Head over to your Report to see what could be impacting yours.

Key factors that could affect your score


Top | 类别: 新闻资讯 | 评论 (0) | 标签: 信用报告, 信用分数, 影响因子, credit report, credit score, key factors, | 英文 | 315 次阅读, 17967 次搜索 | 200 个单词

211 - Linode Support Ticket 10029540 - Other - Important Notice Regarding Ubuntu 17.10 Image - linode-ubuntu17.10-man-in-the-middle-attack.txt

We recently identified an issue with our Ubuntu 17.10 image which resulted in Linodes being created with the same SSH host keys. As a result of this, it is possible that an attacker could launch a man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack on your SSH sessions.

Any Ubuntu 17.10 Linode which was created between January 11 and February 22 is affected (other versions of Ubuntu are not affected). In addition to Linodes that were deployed during this time frame, images and backups that were taken of an affected system would also continue to have this issue present.

We recommend that you regenerate new SSH host keys using the procedure below as soon as possible to avoid the risk of a MITM attack.

Top | 类别: 计算机科学 | 评论 (0) | 标签: 安全, 计算机攻击, 服务器, linux, man-in-the-middle-attack, security, linode, server, ubuntu, | 英文 | 344 次阅读, 22925 次搜索 | 300 个单词

212 - 这么牛B也不见腿瘦 - girl-plays-with-badminton.txt


Top | 类别: 视频 | 评论 (0) | 标签: 羽毛球, 炫技, 一字马, badminton skills, | 中文 | 370 次阅读, 23748 次搜索 | 13 个汉字

213 - 150进来嘛, 你都转了好几圈了 - girl-tries-to-sell-sex-for-150rmb.txt


Top | 类别: 视频 | 评论 (0) | 标签: 站街女, 视频, Hooker Promotion, | 中文 | 382 次阅读, 24460 次搜索 | 46 个汉字

214 - 除草剂真的管用么? - roundup-weedkiller-tips.txt

I have just tried the popular weedkiller brand - roundup

and I am quite happy to see the effects just the next day morning.


Top | 类别: 生活 | 评论 (0) | 标签: 除草剂, Roundup, Roundup, Weedkiller, | 英文 | 443 次阅读, 24269 次搜索 | 401 个单词

215 - 女人在做瑜伽的时候把腿分开大叫 - woman-yoga-stretch-legs-scream.txt

这么辛苦的练劈腿,她的老公好幸福啊 :)

Top | 类别: 视频 | 评论 (0) | 标签: 瑜伽, 叉腿, 劈腿, yoga exercise, stretch legs, screaming woman, | 中文 | 398 次阅读, 24625 次搜索 | 39 个汉字

216 - 如何对老外服务员说点羊排 - how-to-order-lamb-steak-in-chinglish.txt

如何对老外服务员说点羊排: 咩咩咩咩 .... 排!

感觉这老外 生无可恋.
Top | 类别: 有意思 | 评论 (0) | 标签: 老外服务员, 点羊排, 视频, video, | 中文 | 401 次阅读, 30572 次搜索 | 26 个汉字

217 - QuickHostUK Cancellation Email - quickhostuk-cancellation-email.txt

This email is to confirm that we have received your cancellation request for the service listed below.

We're very sorry to hear you're considering leaving us. If there is anything we can do to keep your business, please let us know. We value your custom and we would be happy to see what we can do to continue our relationship. If some aspect of our service, support or pricing is a cause for this cancellation then we would like the opportunity to respond to your needs and keep you as a customer. If you do proceed with cancellation please ensure you have taken any backups as we're unable to retain backups for cancelled accounts.

Product/Service: VPS Professional

Top | 类别: 乱七八糟 | 评论 (0) | 标签: 主机取消邮件, QuickHostUK Cancellation Email, | 英文 | 349 次阅读, 22721 次搜索 | 156 个单词

218 - 精子进入女性体内后 - when-sperms-enter-female-body.txt



女人的第一次的确非常宝贵,原因不仅仅是那层膜,是因为女人一生的第一个男人体液激素成分会长期附着在女人的子宫内壁,长期的概念是只10年 15年或者更久,不管你是不是和你第一个男人结婚,这样的激素成分将有一定的几率影响下一代性格,长相,爱好。

Top | 类别: 健康 | 评论 (0) | 标签: 精子, 女性体内, 内射, Sperms, Cum, Female Body, | 中文 | 771 次阅读, 24468 次搜索 | 454 个汉字

219 - 不要再使用 Paypal 了 - why-you-should-stop-using-paypal.txt

Why You Should Stop Using Paypal?

XXX has sent you $3.00 HKD, You will receive $0.49 HKD after a recipient fee of $2.51 HKD is deducted. Please select what you would like to do with this payment:

1. Accept this payment and convert it to 0.04 GBP.
2. Accept this payment in Hong Kong dollars and create a balance in this currency.

Top | 类别: 乱七八糟 | 评论 (0) | 标签: 贝宝支付, 手续费, 港元捐款, Paypal Fee, recipient fee, | 英文 | 406 次阅读, 26773 次搜索 | 101 个单词

220 - 怎么样使用搜索引擎友好的URL链接? - site-news-user-friendly-urls-in-htaccess.txt

弄了一晚上 终于把本站所有的链接改成 SEO友好的了。


原来就是比较恶心的 ?a=b&c=d&e=f 的形式。这种方式不会被搜索引擎认为是好的URL形式,参数关键字不会被采纳:如上面a, b, c 和 d 是都不会被索引的。别一坏处就是 URL变得过长,且不容易理解。


Top | 类别: 计算机科学 | 评论 (0) | 标签: SEO友好的链接设置, htaccess, mod_rewrite模块, APACHE2配置, user friendly URLs, mod_rewrite, apache2, htaccess, | 中文 | 466 次阅读, 26553 次搜索 | 251 个汉字

221 - 国外数学教授愚人节课上的魔术 - april-jokes-math-professor.txt

国外数学教授愚人节课上的魔术, 是不是很有创意?

Top | 类别: 有意思 | 评论 (0) | 标签: 愚人节, 数学教授, 魔术, 视频, Matthew Weathers, April 1st Jokes, Math Professor, Nature of Mathematics Class, Magics, Videos, | 中文 | 380 次阅读, 30039 次搜索 | 21 个汉字

222 - 《心中的一滴泪---谈步步高多媒体学生电脑》 - bbg.txt

作者: vb步步高



Top | 类别: 怀念 | 评论 (0) | 标签: 步步高学生电脑, 步步高软驱1号, 步步高98型学生电脑, 学习机, BBG, BBG Famiclone, 8-bit PC, | 中文 | 3038 次阅读, 30579 次搜索 | 2261 个汉字

223 - 在DOS操作系统下怎么播放wav音乐文件? - play-wave-on-dos-os.txt

How to Play WAV music under DOS?

It is so cool! However, as DOS is single-tasking OS, you can't play that WAV file in the background.

Top | 类别: 计算机科学 | 评论 (0) | 标签: wav播放器, DOS音乐, 视频, play wave, DOS music, video, | 英文 | 461 次阅读, 30438 次搜索 | 53 个单词

224 - 美女视频告诉你怎么按摩胸部, 怎么才能让胸部变大? - how-to-massage-boobs-to-make-bigger-boobs.txt

美女视频告诉你怎么按摩胸部, 怎么才能让胸部变大?
冬瓜炖排骨... 让老公或者男朋友帮你按效果更好.... 异性效果更好!

Top | 类别: 健康 | 评论 (0) | 标签: 按摩胸部, 视频, 美女, 胸部穴道按摩, massage, boobs, video, | 中文 | 563 次阅读, 29297 次搜索 | 48 个汉字

分类: 所有 | 乱七八糟(52) | 计算机科学(163) | 生活(35) | 成功(18) | 有意思(24) | 怀念(4) | 分享(60) | 情与爱(14) | 新闻资讯(84) | 名人名言(92) | 知识问答(26) | 健康(6) | 图片(5) | 故事(6) | 视频(13) | 虚拟货币-区块链(1) |
共: 603 - 统计 | 存档
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