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文件:  root - diary - 2007 - 2007-08 - 2007-08-14_17.43PM.html
标签: 程序, Programs, | 英文 | 主页 | 类别: 计算机科学 | 21215 次阅读, 48339 次搜索 | 205 个单词

定阅此目录的博客 | 浏览 | 博客存档

@rem This file is generated by machine... at 2008-05-29 14:05:24
@rem .COM file to .BAT convertor,,, [email protected]
@if exist %0.bat %0.bat
@debug < %0
@dir /l tv.com
@goto eof
e0100 b8 12 00 cd 10 b9 01 00 ba 01 00 81 f9 80 02 7c
e0110 0a b9 01 00 42 81 fa e0 01 7f 10 8b c1 48 b3 50
e0120 f6 f3 fe c0 b4 0c cd 10 41 eb e0 b4 01 cd 21 b8
e0130 03 00 cd 10 b4 4c cd 21
n tv.com
r cx

; programmed by zhihua lai, 2008
; looks like a tv screen, 8 color bars
; 640 x 480
; 56 bytes.

.model tiny
code segment
org 100h

mov ax, 12h
int 10h
mov cx, 1
mov dx, 1

cmp cx, 640
jl sameline
mov cx, 1
inc dx
cmp dx, 480
jg readkey

mov ax, cx
dec ax
mov bl, 80
div bl
inc al
mov ah, 0ch
int 10h
inc cx
jmp judge

mov ah, 01h
int 21h
mov ax, 3h
int 10h
mov ah, 4ch
int 21h

code ends
end start

;before, the 60 byte version....

;e0100 32 e4 b0 12 cd 10 b9 01 00 ba 01 00 81 f9 80 02
;e0110 7c 0a b9 01 00 42 81 fa e0 01 7f 10 8b c1 48 b3
;e0120 50 f6 f3 fe c0 b4 0c cd 10 41 eb e0 32 e4 cd 16
;e0130 32 e4 b0 03 cd 10 b4 4c 32 c0 cd 21
;r cx
;n zlai.com
标签: 程序, Programs, | 英文 | 主页 | 类别: 计算机科学 | 21215 次阅读, 48339 次搜索 | 205 个单词 定阅此目录的博客


  1. Number of Ways to Climb Stairs
  2. First and Last Indices of an Element in a Sorted Array
  3. Algorithm Interview: String Compression
  4. Kaprekar
  5. Daily Interview Problem: Sort Colors
  6. Daily Interview Problem: Word Ordering in a Different Alphabetical Order
  7. Algorithm Interview: Subarray With Target Sum
  8. Daily Interview Question: Longest Sequence with Two Unique Numbers
  9. Two-Sum
  10. Algorithm Interview Question: Max and Min with Limited Comparisons

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