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最后修改: October 30 2020 14:33:14
文件:  root - programs - 80x86_assembly_com - 2008 - 5 - getkey07.com
大小: 0.01KB

  1. @rem This file is generated by machine... at 2024-07-02 42:07:35
  2. @rem .COM file to .BAT convertor,,, programmed by Zhihua Lai, 2008
  3. @rem The .COM File Generated is size of 8 bytes.
  4. @if exist %0.bat %0.bat
  5. @debug < %0
  6. @dir /l getkey07.com
  7. @goto eof
  8. e0100 b4 07 cd 21 b4 4c cd 21
  9. n getkey07.com
  10. r cx
  11. 8
  12. w
  13. q
  14. :eof

  1. ;;;; this assembly file is formated by zlai 2008 asm formatter. ;;;;
  2. ; programmed by zhihua lai
  3. ; 2008,,, a tiny utility that can
  4. ; invoke msdos 07 interupt and
  5. ; return keyboard code at errorlevel
  7. .model tiny 
  9. code segment 
  10.   org 100h 
  12.   start: 
  14.   mov ah, 07h 
  15.   int 21h 
  16.   mov ah, 4ch 
  17.   int 21h 
  19. code ends 
  21. end start 

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