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文件:  root - text - article - 2016 - 01 - fortune-quotes-23-01-2016_120001.txt
标签: 名人名言, Quotes, Saying, Fortune, | 英文 | 主页 | 类别: 名人名言 | 474 次阅读, 25926 次搜索 | 478 个单词

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No. 0. Quote:
Your boyfriend takes chocolate from strangers.

No. 1. Quote:
You will engage in a profitable business activity.

No. 2. Quote:
This life is yours. Some of it was given to you; the rest, you made yourself.

No. 3. Quote:
The bay-trees in our country are all wither'd
And meteors fright the fixed stars of heaven;
The pale-faced moon looks bloody on the earth
And lean-look'd prophets whisper fearful change.
These signs forerun the death or fall of kings.
-- Wm. Shakespeare, "Richard II"

No. 4. Quote:
Q: What is printed on the bottom of beer bottles in Minnesota?
A: Open other end.

No. 5. Quote:
Tuesday is the Wednesday of the rest of your life.

No. 6. Quote:
Perilous to all of us are the devices of an art deeper than we ourselves
-- Gandalf the Grey [J.R.R. Tolkien, "Lord of the Rings"]

No. 7. Quote:
He that is giddy thinks the world turns round.
-- William Shakespeare, "The Taming of the Shrew"

No. 8. Quote:
Zounds! I was never so bethumped with words
since I first called my brother's father dad.
-- William Shakespeare, "Kind John"

No. 9. Quote:
He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom.
-- J.R.R. Tolkien

No. 10. Quote:
Q: What's the difference between an Irish wedding and an Irish wake?
A: One less drunk.

No. 11. Quote:
Q: Why is Christmas just like a day at the office?
A: You do all of the work and the fat guy in the suit
gets all the credit.

No. 12. Quote:
Q: Minnesotans ask, "Why aren't there more pharmacists from Alabama?"
A: Easy. It's because they can't figure out how to get the little
bottles into the typewriter.

No. 13. Quote:
Good news from afar can bring you a welcome visitor.

No. 14. Quote:
Q: Minnesotans ask, "Why aren't there more pharmacists from Alabama?"
A: Easy. It's because they can't figure out how to get the little
bottles into the typewriter.

No. 15. Quote:
You're being followed. Cut out the hanky-panky for a few days.

No. 16. Quote:
Familiarity breeds contempt -- and children.
-- Mark Twain

No. 17. Quote:
So this is it. We're going to die.

No. 18. Quote:
You have an unusual understanding of the problems of human relationships.

No. 19. Quote:
It is often the case that the man who can't tell a lie thinks he is the best
judge of one.
-- Mark Twain, "Pudd'nhead Wilson's Calendar"

No. 20. Quote:
Q: Why do firemen wear red suspenders?
A: To conform with departmental regulations concerning uniform dress.

No. 21. Quote:
You will have domestic happiness and faithful friends.

No. 22. Quote:
The surest protection against temptation is cowardice.
-- Mark Twain

No. 23. Quote:
Be free and open and breezy! Enjoy! Things won't get any better so
get used to it.

No. 24. Quote:
Let him choose out of my files, his projects to accomplish.
-- Shakespeare, "Coriolanus"
标签: 名人名言, Quotes, Saying, Fortune, | 英文 | 主页 | 类别: 名人名言 | 474 次阅读, 25926 次搜索 | 478 个单词 定阅此目录的博客


  1. Fortune Quotes - 18-02-2016_120002
  2. Fortune Quotes - 01-05-2016_120002
  3. Fortune Quotes - 20-03-2016_120001
  4. Fortune Quotes - 23-03-2016_120002
  5. Fortune Quotes - 06-02-2016_120001
  6. Fortune Quotes - 16-02-2016_120001
  7. Fortune Quotes - 30-01-2016_120001
  8. Fortune Quotes - 04-02-2016_120001
  9. Fortune Quotes - 28-01-2016_120002
  10. Fortune Quotes - 12-03-2016_120001

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