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文件:  root - text - article - 2016 - 02 - fortune-quotes-15-02-2016_120002.txt
标签: 名人名言, Quotes, Saying, Fortune, | 英文 | 主页 | 类别: 名人名言 | 479 次阅读, 25833 次搜索 | 539 个单词

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No. 0. Quote:
She is not refined. She is not unrefined. She keeps a parrot.
-- Mark Twain

No. 1. Quote:
They spell it "da Vinci" and pronounce it "da Vinchy". Foreigners
always spell better than they pronounce.
-- Mark Twain

No. 2. Quote:
Do not sleep in a eucalyptus tree tonight.

No. 3. Quote:
Today is National Existential Ennui Awareness Day.

No. 4. Quote:
A tall, dark stranger will have more fun than you.

No. 5. Quote:
It is right that he too should have his little chronicle, his memories,
his reason, and be able to recognize the good in the bad, the bad in the
worst, and so grow gently old all down the unchanging days and die one
day like any other day, only shorter.
-- Samuel Beckett, "Malone Dies"

No. 6. Quote:
Afternoon very favorable for romance. Try a single person for a change.

No. 7. Quote:
Q: What do you get when you cross the Godfather with an attorney?
A: An offer you can't understand.

No. 8. Quote:
You will gain money by a speculation or lottery.

No. 9. Quote:
Q: What do you get when you cross the Godfather with an attorney?
A: An offer you can't understand.

No. 10. Quote:
"I wonder", he said to himself, "what's in a book while it's closed. Oh, I
know it's full of letters printed on paper, but all the same, something must
be happening, because as soon as I open it, there's a whole story with people
I don't know yet and all kinds of adventures and battles."
-- Bastian B. Bux

No. 11. Quote:
So this is it. We're going to die.

No. 12. Quote:
Beware of a dark-haired man with a loud tie.

No. 13. Quote:
Future looks spotty. You will spill soup in late evening.

No. 14. Quote:
You will attract cultured and artistic people to your home.

No. 15. Quote:
Work consists of whatever a body is obliged to do.
Play consists of whatever a body is not obliged to do.
-- Mark Twain

No. 16. Quote:
Change your thoughts and you change your world.

No. 17. Quote:
The lunatic, the lover, and the poet,
Are of imagination all compact...
-- Wm. Shakespeare, "A Midsummer Night's Dream"

No. 18. Quote:
Your temporary financial embarrassment will be relieved in a surprising manner.

No. 19. Quote:
Don't plan any hasty moves. You'll be evicted soon anyway.

No. 20. Quote:
Unless hours were cups of sack, and minutes capons, and clocks the tongues
of bawds, and dials the signs of leaping houses, and the blessed sun himself
a fair, hot wench in flame-colored taffeta, I see no reason why thou shouldst
be so superfluous to demand the time of the day. I wasted time and now doth
time waste me.
-- William Shakespeare

No. 21. Quote:
English literature's performing flea.
-- Sean O'Casey on P. G. Wodehouse

No. 22. Quote:
When I was younger, I could remember anything, whether it had happened
or not; but my faculties are decaying now and soon I shall be so I
cannot remember any but the things that never happened. It is sad to
go to pieces like this but we all have to do it.
-- Mark Twain

No. 23. Quote:
Having nothing, nothing can he lose.
-- William Shakespeare, "Henry VI"

No. 24. Quote:
Break into jail and claim police brutality.
标签: 名人名言, Quotes, Saying, Fortune, | 英文 | 主页 | 类别: 名人名言 | 479 次阅读, 25833 次搜索 | 539 个单词 定阅此目录的博客


  1. Fortune Quotes - 09-03-2016_120004
  2. Fortune Quotes - 07-02-2016_120001
  3. Fortune Quotes - 19-01-2016_120001
  4. Fortune Quotes - 15-03-2016_120002
  5. Fortune Quotes - 18-02-2016_120002
  6. Fortune Quotes - 22-03-2016_120002
  7. Fortune Quotes - 04-02-2016_120001
  8. Fortune Quotes - 18-03-2016_120001
  9. Fortune Quotes - 14-01-2016_120001
  10. Fortune Quotes - 01-02-2016_120001

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