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文件:  root - text - article - 2018 - 08 - credit-report-key-factors.txt
标签: 信用报告, 信用分数, 影响因子, credit report, credit score, key factors, | 英文 | 主页 | 类别: 新闻资讯 | 529 次阅读, 19842 次搜索 | 200 个单词

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With no universal credit score, and each credit reference agency weighting their scores differently, it can be hard to know what factors affect your credit score. Head over to your Report to see what could be impacting yours.

Key factors that could affect your score

  • The age of your accounts - lenders like to see signs of stability. So owning a credit account for a good length of time shows that you are safer to lend to.

  • Paying off your debt - missing or late payments will be marked on your credit report and are likely to have a negative effect on your credit score.

  • Frequent credit applications - many credit applications in a short space of time can make you look desperate for credit, so try to keep applications to a minimum.

  • Credit utilisation - keeping your credit utilisation below 50% shows that you can effectively manage your money and aren't too reliant on credit.

You may also like: 一些影响信用分数的因素
标签: 信用报告, 信用分数, 影响因子, credit report, credit score, key factors, | 英文 | 主页 | 类别: 新闻资讯 | 529 次阅读, 19842 次搜索 | 200 个单词 定阅此目录的博客


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