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文件:  root - text - article - 2020 - 01 - convert-roman-numerals-to-decimal.txt
标签: 每日算法题, 算法, 数据结构, 面试题, Daily Interview Problem, Data Structures and Algorithms, Computer Programming, Python, | 英文 | 主页 | 类别: 计算机科学 | 482 次阅读, 28633 次搜索 | 160 个单词

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Hi, here's your problem today. This problem was recently asked by Twitter:

Given a Roman numeral, find the corresponding decimal value. Inputs will be between 1 and 3999.

Input: IX
Output: 9

Input: VII
Output: 7

Input: MCMIV
Output: 1904
Roman numerals are based on the following symbols:

I 1
IV 4
V 5
IX 9
X 10
XL 40
L 50
XC 90
C 100
CD 400
D 500
CM 900
M 1000

Numbers are strings of these symbols in descending order. In some cases, subtractive notation is used to avoid repeated characters. The rules are as follows:
1.) I placed before V or X is one less, so 4 = IV (one less than 5), and 9 is IX (one less than 10)
2.) X placed before L or C indicates ten less, so 40 is XL (10 less than 50) and 90 is XC (10 less than 100).
3.) C placed before D or M indicates 100 less, so 400 is CD (100 less than 500), and 900 is CM (100 less than 1000).

class Solution():
def romanToInt(self, s):
# Fill this in.

n = 'MCMX'
# 1910
标签: 每日算法题, 算法, 数据结构, 面试题, Daily Interview Problem, Data Structures and Algorithms, Computer Programming, Python, | 英文 | 主页 | 类别: 计算机科学 | 482 次阅读, 28633 次搜索 | 160 个单词 定阅此目录的博客


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