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文件:  root - text - computing - mvjpg.bat.txt
标签: 程序, Programming, | 英文 | 主页 | 类别: 计算机科学 | 3894 次阅读, 40732 次搜索 | 280 个单词

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I have come to a problem... i have a pictures folder which has lots of subdirs and
lots of irregular filenames such as "kdjfksjdf.jpg", "kdjflkajsdfasd.jpg"
usually i renamed them randomly to avoid the same filenames when i grabbed it from internet...
So i want to upload them to the website and i want them arranged in good order....

Each folder should be ordered by numbers 1, 2, 3.....
Each folder has at most 39 files, 1.jpg, 2.jpg, .... 39.jpg
How can I do this?

So .... Super XP has provided batch file....

I 've done a little programming, it is fun!

******* save the following as .BAT file and modify vars as needed **********

@echo off

set cc=0
set dd=1
set od=D:\1
set td=D:\2
set nn=39
set ex=jpg

echo Windows XP Batch file
echo Created by Zhihua Lai, 2007-Aug-30
echo The program can move all the %ex% files in %od% folder into
echo %td% folder and rename it by number
echo each folder (also labeled as number %dd% var) contains at most
echo %nn% pictures....

echo Press any key to continue, press Ctrl-C to exit....
pause >nul

rem cls

if not exist %td% mkdir %td% && echo %td% created...

for /f "usebackq delims==" %%i in (`dir /s /b %od%\*.%ex%`) do (
call :dothing "%%i"

goto :clear

if exist "%1\nul" goto :end
if not exist "%td%\%dd%" mkdir "%td%\%dd%" && echo "%td%\%dd%" created...
set /a cc=cc+1 >nul
move %1 "%td%\%dd%\%cc%.jpg"
echo %1 has been moved to "%td%\%dd%\%cc%.jpg"!!!!
if /i "%cc%" EQU "%nn%" set /a cc=0 && set /a dd=dd+1
goto :end

set cc=
set dd=
set od=
set td=
set nn=
set ex=

标签: 程序, Programming, | 英文 | 主页 | 类别: 计算机科学 | 3894 次阅读, 40732 次搜索 | 280 个单词 定阅此目录的博客


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  10. Batch Programming in XP

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