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文件:  root - diary - 2008 - 2008-12 - 2008-12-10_19.20PM.html
标签: 计算机, Computing, | 英文 | 主页 | 类别: 计算机科学 | 24824 次阅读, 45462 次搜索 | 350 个单词

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y (Ctrl+C)

yes .... now i will talk about something about "yes" utility...
in linux,, usually located at /usr/bin/, there is a file called "yes"
it utterly does nothing but continues output of "y"

the size of this file is around 19kb (in OpenSUSE 11)
i recommend you try this command... hehe... don't login as root,,

yes | rm -i *

now,,, i'll talk about making "yes" on windows ....
here is the one purely done in "debug"
Yes >

this yes quits when you press "Q" or "q"
or you can write one by a simply loop

mov dx, offset yes
mov ah, 9
int 21h
jmp loop
yes db "yes", 0d, 0a, "$"

or in batch file

@echo off
REM A yes utility on windows
REM Zhihua Lai, 07/Dec/2008 5:05am
REM Free to use, just for fun!

echo yes
goto yes

or if you write a keypressed.com which returns the key to command line...

@echo off
REM A yes utility in batch file with keypressed.com
REM Written by Zhihua Lai, 10-Dec-2008, 2:49
REM Just For Fun!

echo yes
set key=%errorlevel%
if %key% EQU 81 goto eof
if %key% EQU 113 goto eof
goto yes

set key=

now i am attaching binary files... just for fun!

yes.com (37 Bytes)
yes15b.com (15 Bytes)
keypressed.com (19 Bytes)
You see, they are pretty small.
标签: 计算机, Computing, | 英文 | 主页 | 类别: 计算机科学 | 24824 次阅读, 45462 次搜索 | 350 个单词 定阅此目录的博客


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