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文件:  root - text - article - 2017 - 04 - why-you-should-stop-using-paypal.txt
标签: 贝宝支付, 手续费, 港元捐款, Paypal Fee, recipient fee, | 英文 | 主页 | 类别: 乱七八糟 | 401 次阅读, 26439 次搜索 | 101 个单词

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Why You Should Stop Using Paypal?

XXX has sent you $3.00 HKD, You will receive $0.49 HKD after a recipient fee of $2.51 HKD is deducted. Please select what you would like to do with this payment:

1. Accept this payment and convert it to 0.04 GBP.
2. Accept this payment in Hong Kong dollars and create a balance in this currency.
3. Refuse this payment and return the money to the sender.

Expensive Paypal Fee
标签: 贝宝支付, 手续费, 港元捐款, Paypal Fee, recipient fee, | 英文 | 主页 | 类别: 乱七八糟 | 401 次阅读, 26439 次搜索 | 101 个单词 定阅此目录的博客


  1. Reasons - Payment Declined by Your Bank
  2. QuickHostUK Cancellation Email
  3. Why You Should Stop Using Paypal?
  4. HSBC Call
  5. Study and work
  6. Goodbye Npower!
  7. An example Job Adv email

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